The Central European Olympiad in Informatics (CEOI) is an annual informatics competition for secondary school students. Each of the parcitipating central European countries (plus one or two guest countries, and a local team from the host area) sends a team of up to four contestants, a team leader and a deputy team leader. The contestants compete individually, i.e. a team score is not calculated. Competitors are selected through national computing contests.
The contest consists of two days computer programming, solving problems of an algorithmic nature. The structure of these competition days is described in the article about the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI), which served as a role model for the invention of the more local CEOI.
The first CEOI was held in 1994 (Romania, founder of the CEOI), five years after the first IOI.
CEOI 2009

- Location: Târgu Mureş, Romania, 8-14 July 2009
- Participants: Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Switzerland, USA, Serbia, Moldova
- Website: http://www.ceoi2009.ro
CEOI 2008

- Location: Dresden, Germany, 6-12 July 2008
- Participants: Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Poland, Romania, Saxony, Slovakia
- Website: http://www.ceoi2008.de
CEOI 2007

- Location: Brno, Czech Republic, 1-7 July 2007
- Participants: Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic II, Brno
- Website: http://www.fi.muni.cz/ceoi/
CEOI 2006

- Location: Vrsar, Croatia, 1-8 July 2006
- Participants: Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Croatia II, Croatia III
- Website: http://www.hsin.hr/ceoi2006/
CEOI 2005

- Location: Sárospatak, Hungary, 28 July - 5 August, 2005
- Participants: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Sárospatak, Slovakia, Spain, The Netherlands
- Website: http://ceoi.inf.elte.hu/ceoi2005/
CEOI 2004

- Location: Rzeszów, Poland, 13-17 July 2004
- Participants: Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia
- Website: http://www.oi.edu.pl/ceoi2004/
CEOI 2003

- Location: Münster, Germany, 5-12 July 2003
- Participants: Croatia, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Netherlands, USA, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Iran, Germany, Westphalia
- Website: http://www.ceoi2003.de/
CEOI 2002

- Location: Košice, Slovakia, 30 June - 6 July 2002
- Participants: Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, The Netherlands, Iran
- Website: http://web.ics.upjs.sk/ceoi/
CEOI 2001

- Location: Zalaegerszeg, Hungary, 10-17 August 2001
- Participants: Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Finland, Italy, The Netherlands
- Website: http://ceoi.inf.elte.hu/ceoi2001/
CEOI 2000

- Location: Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 24-31 August 2000
- Participants: Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, USA
- Website: http://ceoi.ubbcluj.ro/
CEOI 1999

- Location: Brno, Czech Republic, 2-9 September 1999
- Participants: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, USA
- Website: http://www.fi.muni.cz/ceoi1999/
CEOI 1998

- Location: Zadar, Croatia, 20-27 May 1998
- Participants: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia
- Website: http://pubwww.srce.hr/hsin/ceoi98/
CEOI 1997

- Location: Nowy Sącz, Poland, 17-24 July 1997
- Participants: Belarus, Croatia, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine, USA, Yugoslavia
- Website: http://www.mimuw.edu.pl/OI/ceoi97/
CEOI 1996

- Location: Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 9-13 October 1996
- Participants: Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia
- Website: http://turing.fmph.uniba.sk/www/ceoi/
CEOI 1995

- Location: Szeged, Hungary, 29 May - 3 June 1995
- Participants: Belarus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine, Yugoslavia
- Website: http://ceoi.inf.elte.hu/95/
CEOI 1994

- Location: Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 27-31 May 1994
- Participants: Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Yugoslavia
Source: Wikipedia